Letter from Current USM Parent


I’ve spent many years having my child at this school and now I feel that I’ve done tremendous damage.


I’m completely heartbroken and must speak up.

My child has been signaled out from the start. I’ve spent many years having my child at this school and now feel that I’ve done tremendous damage. CPS was called by this school when my child was in 1st grade. I was late meeting him from the end of the driveway. They hounded my child until he spoke what they wanted him to speak. CPS came to my home , told me the school contacted them. Horrified and shocked I let them in. CPS looked around and told me he is well taken care of. I called the school, spoke to [security] and said I was on my way. I was so angry!! I was told I have to wait for appt I made prior to arriving. The River Hills police department was there. I calmed my self down and met with [teacher], [security] and the River Hills police. I do not know how to fix self esteem and worth. My child now feels he is stupid. How do I fix this?